Special education grants for educating students with special needs with specially designed instruction, as per the No Child Left Behind Act, ADA,300.39 IDEA, addressing individual differences and needs, including: grants for speech, travel training, vocational education, adaptive physical education, EIS early intervention services, resource rooms, special education teachers, classrooms and technology.
Grants to USA nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education to provide professional development to personnel working with children with disabilities. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. The purpose of th...
Grants to USA minority-serving institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and nonprofit organizations to expand and enhance the special education workforce. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take s...
Scholarships of $500 to USA students who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for financial assistance to attend college. Applications are invited from recent high school graduates, current undergraduate students, and students enrolled at an Autism School....
Grants of up to $20,000 to USA nonprofit organizations for community benefit programs and projects. Funding is intended to support hospitals and schools; museums, performing arts and cultural programs; skills training, educational, and other programming for seniors, yo...
Grants to North Dakota individuals with disabilities and members of their families, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, public agencies, and advocacy groups for projects that promote the inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities in all aspects of com...